Project base for ESP32-S3 86 Box 4 Inch Touch Screen Central Control Panel

This repo contains several subprojects for hardware modules of several types, looking like this (note several kinds displayed) :

There are several versions of this module. Differences appear to be both functional and technical :

Choose a variant depending on your functional requirements.

Note look at the guition directory - this supports a different hardware design, but with similar functional and physical characteristics. The GUITION boards contain a power supply, one to three relays, and a programmer module so all you need is a USB cable.

As an example I show the TR version (ZX3D95CE01S-TR-V12), see in the circuit diagram section "IO map" at the bottom : four GPIO pins are available for use.

circuit diagram

This is also visible on the board itself : the 20 pin connector on the PCB has those four GPIOs exported just above the GND pins - see pin map in the middle of the PCB picture : pcb

Please note that there's an unsoldered header for programming the board at the right of the PCB (see the DEBUG label), exporting GND, EN, IO0, RX, TX, 3V3, 5V. It is perfectly possible to program this board from the 20-pin socket that is already on the board, as all those signals are present on it too.

Obviously the connectivity required is as described in the esp documentation :

ESP pinSerial pin

so a 6 wire flat cable will do.

Note that the connector has 2mm pitch, not the standard 2.54mm. A double-row curved connector such as this one can be used : pcb

If you would want to solder wires to it, it's recommended to pry out the pins, solder them separately, and put them back in.

Some links :